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Title Colonial Immigration Laws: A Study of the Regulation of Immigration by the English Colonies in America
Author Proper, Emberson Edward
Date 1900
Document Type Printed Book
Publisher Information New York : Columbia University Press, 1900
Reference G450.P965.C900
BIB ID 78502
Library / Archive American Antiquarian Society
Collection Name Immigration General
Description A study of the laws which governed immigration to the English colonies in America. The author begins by looking at how English residents were encouraged to emigrate to the New World and what restrictions were in place. The author goes on to look in detail at immigration laws in place in the colonies, explores the attitude of England to migration, and finally offers an analysis of the distribution of nationalities during this period.
Series Description Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law; Vol. xii, No. 2.
Theme(s) Motives for Emigration; Politics, Legislation and Governance
Places New England, Massachusetts, New York, Virginia, Rhode Island, United States
Nationality English; Scottish; Welsh; Irish; Germany
Keywords emigration, immigration, law, colony, settlement, push factors, pull factors, government
Additional Information Please note: Some of the metadata for this document has been taken from the American Antiquarian Society catalogue.
Language English
Copyright American Antiquarian Society