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Title Atlantis National Daily Greek Newspaper Photographs
Date c.1894-1973
Document Type Photograph
Reference PG128
Library / Archive Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Collection Name Atlantis National Daily Greek Newspaper Photographs, c.1894-1973
Description Photographs taken for, and to be included in, the Greek language newspaper 'Atlantis'.
Biographical Note / History The first successful Greek language newspaper published in America, Atlantis was founded in 1894 by Solon J. and Demetrius J. Vlasto. The paper was headed by a member of the Vlasto family until it closed in 1973. Published in New York City, it had a national circulation and influence. Atlantis supported the royalist faction in Greek politics until the mid-1960s. Other recurring editorial themes include naturalization, war relief, Greek-American business interests and Greek religious unity.
Theme(s) Religion, Ethnic Identity and Community Relations
Ports New York City, United States
Nationality Greek
Keywords photography, journalism, business, tourism, children, employment, music, culture, heritage
Additional Information Please note: Some of the metadata for this document has been taken from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania catalogue.
Copyright Historical Society of Pennsylvania